Quotes about conflict
Quotes about conflict

quotes about conflict

“Our brains ache, in the merciless ice east winds that knife us”.“Honour the charge they made, honour the Light brigade, noble six hundred!”.“while horse and hero fell, they’d fought so well”.“Flash’d their sabres bare, flash’d as they turn’d in air”.“into the jaws of death, into the mouth of hell”.“Cannon to the right of them, cannon to the left of them, cannon in front of them”.“half a league, half a league, half a league onward, all in the valley of death”.“Notice Neptune, though, taming a seahorse”.“I gave commands then all smiles stopped together”.“she thanked men…I know not how, as if she ranked my gift of a nine hundred year old name with anybodies gift”.“the bough of cherries from some officious fool”.“my last Duchess painted on the wall, looking as if she were alive”.“In every cry of man, in every infants cry of fear.“round the decay of that colossal wreck”.“My mane is Ozymandias, k ing of kings, look on my works ye mighty and despair”.That idea of absolutes is important as it stops you trying to write about everything. We did the first few in our revision lesson and it threw up some interesting ideas. There is enough in the words, whether it’s the adjectives, verbs, nouns, to offer a detailed and perceptive response. These three quotes are important because not only do they allow us to talk about the poem’s absolutes but they also contain some of those ‘neon’ words and techniques – personification, symbolism, repetition. “there hung a darkness, call it solitude”.“ the horizons bound, a huge peak, black and huge”.

quotes about conflict

For example, with Prelude, we said that (a) you ABSOLUTELY need to talk about the sublime (b) the relationship with nature – water = feminine mountain = phallic and masculine (c) the shift in the poet’s feelings. To do this, it’s good to decide what are the absolutes about each poem. Suggestion: for each of these poems, reduce the list to 3 quotes, each with three or four words only.

quotes about conflict

I said that I’d put it on the blog, so you need to thank Jen for the work. In a lunchtime revision session today, Jennifer shared this list of key quotes from all the poems.

Quotes about conflict