How to keep on track with goals
How to keep on track with goals

how to keep on track with goals how to keep on track with goals

Then, he honed the process using that and the law of attraction.

how to keep on track with goals

Throughout his research, Murphy looked at how the brain works and how humans are wired to set goals. There is, however, a theory that Mark Murphy, the founder and CEO of and author of the book “Hard Goals: The Secret to Getting From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be,” has. Why do a majority of us stumble? Of course, that’s a broad question that will vary from person to person. To be more specific, an often-cited figure is that only 8% of people achieve their goals. Unfortunately, only a small percentage of individuals actually follow through. But, when was the last time you actually set a new goal? Even if you did this recently, have you been tracking your progress? We all know the importance of setting goals.

How to keep on track with goals